Wood Aging Agent – Blanchon

34.95 $169.95 $X

Blanchon Wood Ageing Agent accentuates the veining contrasts of the wood while dyeing it. It gives a unique nature to your surfaces. Using the latest wood colouring and shade technology, it gives an old, “washed out” appearance similar to that of “floating” wood. It is odourless and quickly applies to all furniture, floors, woodwork, paneling, etc. The best effects are obtained on light, hardwood or resinous woods with strong veining.

With its ease of application, this product is ideal for large surfaces, especially floors and wooden walls. Its versatility allows all effects, from simple positive tint to mottling.

The result should be covered with a natural oil-based finish, such as our Ligna oils like Pronto, for high protection. You can also use a simple hemp or tung oil. Using Ligna coloured oils will allow you to create a unique effect.

  • Reactive effect positive tint;
  • Gives a washed and aged appearance;
  • Scentless;
  • All the colours can mix together;
  • Easy to apply.


The wood must be clean and free from any trace of old finish. Sand with 100 or 120 grit paper increases its absorption. Dust thoroughly. The contrasting effect is increased on brushed wood. Shake well before and during the application.


Apply in thin coat using a 6 mm microfibre roller or use one of our SRT polyester brushes. Carefully stretch the product as you apply and wipe the wood with a bleached cotton cloth.

N.B. After drying, it is always possible to perform punctual retouches, to equalize a lack (with a buffer slightly loaded with the product).

For a large area (floors):

To obtain a homogeneous effect on large surfaces, you should use a polisher equipped with a beige nylon pad. Read and follow the instructions of Wood-Ageing Agent as indicated and do not directly pour the product on the surface. Equalize with a polisher, if dry, lightly soak it with a spray bottle filled with products. Do not leave soaked pads on the floor, this will affect the shade.

** If more than one container is used, it is recommended to pour it in the same container before use.


150 sq. Ft./Litre per coat

Drying time:

Apply a finishing product after 8 hours

Cleaning tools:




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