Expert advice


23 April 2021

As Marketing Assistant at EVO Home Finishing, I can talk with knowledgeable professionals in the renovation field. Since the purchase of my new home, I can put everything I have learned into practice.

I love my work and the diversity that it offers me. What I love most about it is the opportunity to share my experience with you! Creating, sharing and simplifying is what I do best.

Time to get busy:

How to deal with peeled exterior wood surfaces? There is more than one way to tackle the problem. In the end, we did the best we could with the tools we had. Here is how I handled it. ✨

First, you should walk around the installation to make sure that it is still in good shape. In some situations, starting over is better than putting a coating on wood that is damaged. A former colleague of mine used to say: “You can put lipstick on a pig, but it remains a pig’’. This analogy means that even if you put a very effective product on damaged wood, it will still be broken. Thankfully, my decks are fine, far away from Old MacDonald’s farm.

I wanted to avoid using harmful products to get rid of the paint. I was also unable to rent a professional sanding machine due to the COVID situation (It was early June 2020 at that time). I, therefore, decided to use RESTOR-DECK by LIGNA and a pressurized machine (which I borrowed from a colleague ❤).

This product is not exactly a paint remover, but it does dislodge what is embedded in the wood. In my case, it certainly was useful. Over 85% of the coating came off easily. Ms. RENOV was very happy. ✌

When I applied, the temperature was rather grey, cold and it was quite a wet day. I was suggested to dilute the product half-and-half with water or to use it pure when needed since my decks were wet and painted. While my boyfriend was using the pressurized machine on the side porch, I figured it was a good idea to start applying the product on the front porch, giving it time to react… I had no idea how long it would take to strip the first one. It ended up being much longer than I thought.

This product creates a lot of foaming! The purer the product is, the more foam there is. You must rinse off the surface to remove all of it. This is crucial to ensure that the finishing product will be absorbed into the wood!


As a result, I finished the project, frozen and soaked to the bone, but at the very least it was done! I agree that this may not be people’s favourite part of the process, but it is crucial if you want to get it right.

I wish I had thought to buy a nice pair of rubber boots since the temperature was 6 degrees that day. My feet were crazy damp and frozen. The first thing I did when I got inside was to take a long hot bath.


Stay tuned for the next MARJO RENOV chronicle! CHRONICLE 02: SANDING

For more information on EVO STAIN REMOVER?

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